How to listen to Jesus 

Mark attended our prayer sessions and wanted to learn how to listen to God.  He went home and tried to do that for an hour but ended up frustrated as nothing happened the entire time.  Instead, his mind was more focused on all the things that he has to do at work and in his garage.

Sounds familiar?  If you’re like most people, then this is something you’ll encounter when you try to listen to God’s voice in silence and solitude.  God speaks to us mostly through His word but He can also speak to us in many different forms when we don’t place Him in a box.

The LORD is near to all who call upon Him, To all who call upon Him in truth. He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him; He will also hear their cry and will save them. – Psalm 145:18-19

When you call upon His name, He will be near to you and He will fulfill the desire and dream that He’s given you.  He wants to heal you and help you with all that you’re struggling with.  Instead of dealing with your struggles in your own power, you can learn to listen to Him and allow Him to guide and help you every step of the way.

In order to listen to His voice, try to spend at least one hour without any kind of interruption. That means finding the right place, locking yourself in a room or going somewhere quiet.  Plan out the day so that you won’t be interrupted.  For most of us, this sacred time won’t happen on its own.  Do make this the most important time of your day or even your week.  

Plan and prepare in such a way that you’d be physically, mentally and spiritually ready.  This is not something you should do while there’s a big game on tv or while you’re waiting for a phone call to come in.  Don’t try to do it right before you sleep because that’s when you’re most tired and least focused.  Do it when you’re most alert.

Prepare well to listen His voice.  Instead of trying to rush through the hour, plan to slow down and be prepared with your Bible, journal, pen, water and whatever else you’ll need to spend time with Him.

Say no to anything that may distract you.  If your life is too busy and too rushed for prayer, then consider changing your lifestyle to make this the most important aspect of your life.  I gave up tv, sports, even a lot of church activities just so that I can make time for this kind of devotional life.

Question – What can you do to slow down and not live a rushed and busy lifestyle?  Journal and come up with a plan.

1.  Surrender yourself to Him

“Jesus, I surrender all that I am and all that I have to You.  My thoughts, feelings, will and abilities are all Yours.  Come and take over.  Help me to depend on You and not on my own power during this time.”

Surrender and be open to His presence during this time.  Give up your own expectations of how He should show up.  Instead, welcome Him with an open heart and an open mind.

His ways are bigger than our ways and when we give up our own expectations, we begin to see all that He has in store for us.

You have authority over the distractions around you

There can be many noises competing for your attention and some will even try to distract you from hearing Him.  You have the spiritual authority to quiet all the noises around you.

“I command all noises that are not from You to be silenced and I forbid the noise of the enemy to distract me from hearing Your voice during this hour.”

The noises of the world will be competing for your attention during this time.  If you’re not used to silence and solitude and are only used to a lifestyle of noise and activity, it can be a challenge at first. 

Some people have to spend many attempts just to learn to be silent.  It can take several attempts so be very patient at first.  Know that with each attempt, you’ll only get better at it.

Your mind could be playing hundreds of images and your heart could be casting doubts during the entire exercise.  Pray over yourself to be quiet and still before Him.

“I pray for my soul to be still before You today. I ask for the Holy Spirit to lead me and guide me during this time.  Help me to quiet down and prevent my thoughts from wondering around.  Let me be focused on Your presence alone.”

One option is to walk around in a park, quiet area or an empty campus.  You can also listen to your favorite worship songs to help you focus.  As you get better at this and it becomes more natural, you’ll be able to focus better.

2. Invite Jesus to speak to you

“Jesus, I ask for Your presence to minister to me today.  As I wait upon You, I ask that You begin to speak to my heart.”

Wait upon Him and simply soak in His presence.  Soaking is an exercise of receiving from His presence as if you’re being soaked by the rain.  Imagine yourself standing in the rain and just enjoying the outpouring of water upon your body.  In the same way, soaking is allowing the outpouring His presence upon your soul.

Sometimes, when I’m in His presence all I can do is be still before Him and soak it all in.  It seems like everything will just melt away except for His presence.

You can also practice soaking by using relevant verses, words or music that can help you to be still before Him.

“I love those who love me; And those who diligently seek me will find me.” – Proverbs 8:17

Simply close your eyes and allow His word or prophetic words from a recording to speak to your soul.  Keep seeking after Him and you will be in His presence.

Allow His presence to minister to your soul, to reach you in the deepest places, to heal you and to speak to your heart during that time.

3. Ask Jesus to speak to your heart

“Search me and speak to my heart.  Please reveal anything that’s preventing me from hearing You and sensing Your presence. Remove anything from within me that will prevent me from trusting You.  I invite You into the places where I was wounded, into the times when I was alone, into the events when I felt lost, into the relationships that have hurt me, into the dreams that have been broken.  I receive Your healing and Your grace for my life.”

Sometimes, it’s the issues within our heart that’s preventing us from hearing His voice.

Jeff struggled with this issue until someone pointed out that it was his own trust issue that’s effecting his relationship with God. He had many of his expectations that were not met over the years and the pain of ministry that caused him to doubt God’s faithfulness for his life.  As a result, there was a brokenness in his trust for what God wants to do in his life.

But as Jeff went through a time of prayer and renewal, his trust was slowly fixed as he grow in knowing God and His plan for his life.  Sometimes, we have to go through a period of brokenness before we can find renewal and restoration.

4. You can share what’s on your heart

Keep writing down your thoughts and feelings including any questions or doubts that you might have during this time.

“Why am I going through this?  Why am I not able to let go of my resentments?  Why am I still fearful of letting go?  What do You want me to do at this time?  Is there anything hidden that I need to deal with in my life?  Is there someone that I need to forgive? Is there something else that I need to deal with first?”

God understands your struggles and you can bring it all to Him.  He won’t be surprised if you bring up issues in your heart that you’ve hidden for a long time.  He will listen with compassion instead of judgment and will comfort you with His love.

This is where journaling can become really helpful as you process your struggles with Him.  Your experience is going to be different and unique from others.  So, be patient, it often takes a while to get there and more importantly to do it in a way that God wants you to.  Everyone struggles with this, even the greatest spiritual leaders.  So, be patient and give yourself time as you work through this.

5. Journal

As you spend time in His presence, write down your prayers if you’re having trouble praying aloud.  Keep journaling if that’s helpful to you.  It’s a good way to express yourself and to process what you’re sensing and hearing.  

Feel free to write in the way that you’re most comfortable with.  During your time with Jesus, just pour out your heart in your own way.  He knows exactly what you’re trying to say even if it doesn’t make sense to you!  

Journaling is a great way to deepen your communication with God.  Often, we forget what we just said yesterday or even a few minutes ago.  Journaling allows you to reflect on what you just prayed or heard.

As you process what you hear or receive from God, journaling allows you to get a better understanding of what He’s saying or how He’s answering your prayers. Whenever I journal, it seems like God speaks through the words that I’m writing down no matter how little or simple they may be.  The conversation just becomes more powerful and purposeful when you’re journaling.

You can end the session with a song of worship and simply praise Him.  There are times when you’ll have nothing to say other than wanting to be in His presence and that’s fine too.  Sometimes this moment of silence and just being there is the most powerful and intimate time you’ll experience.  Just be there and soak it all in.