Is your health holding you back from serving?

Our health issues can hold us back from our purpose

Have you thought about serving God but feel like you’re being held back by health and fitness issues?

70% of health issues we face can be prevented.  Yet, for many this is one of the biggest reasons why we cannot serve.  Instead of having the energy to serve, we end up trying to recover from health issues.

Our bodies do not belong to us.  They were given to us so that we can take good care of them and use them to serve God and His kingdom.

When we neglect our bodies and our health, we end up missing out on our purpose and mission here on earth.

We can turn this around by doing what God has entrusted us with.  By honoring Him with our bodies through exercising and our diet.

We don’t have to exercise to compete or compare ourselves with others.  We can do it in a way that honors God by doing it just for Him.

 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. – 1 Cor 6: 19-20

It does not have to be about looks, trying to keep up with others or performance.  It’s about staying healthy and fit so that we can go on a mission trip, serve at church, take care of our family and give to others.

Please reply to this blog if you’d like to get started on your journey to honor God with your body.  I’ll help you get started and guide you along the way so that you can serve again.  

You can start slowly at your own pace in a way that will also help you grow in your spiritual life.

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