Soul ties with parents 

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Children grow up having natural soul ties with their parents.  A healthy soul tie between a parent and her child is normal and necessary. 

If a child does not have this healthy soul tie, she will grow up searching to fill that hole in her life in other ways. 

However, if the parent idolizes her child too much, her child can become an idol in her life.  This kind of soul tie will cause the parent to want to have control over her child even when she’s an adult. 

The result of this controlling soul tie will lead to a relationship filled with manipulation, control, fear and suspicions. 

“If you love your father or mother more than you love me, you are not worthy of being mine; or if you love your son or daughter more than me, you are not worthy of being mine. – Mt 10:37 

God wants us to love Him more than our own family.  When we place Him above our family, we will then be able to have the right kind of soul ties.   

But when we place our family above God, our soul ties with our family can turn harmful. We end up trying to control each other and will resort to manipulation and threat to have things our way. 

Are you surrendered to God in this area of your heart?  Have you fully surrendered your family to Him by placing Him and His agenda above your family? 

What exactly does this mean?  Is it spending more time at church?  Doing more ministry work?  Giving more to charity? 

It actually has to do with your relationship with God more than anything else.  From there, you serve and give out of love and not out of guilt, fear or duty. 


When your child is ready to get married, if there are any unhealthy soul ties, they need to be broken so that she can have healthy soul ties with her spouse. 

Since they are no longer two but one, let no one split apart what God has joined together.” - Matthew 19:6 

God’s intent for marriage is for a couple to become as one. That means they’ll need to have healthy soul ties that will bind them together. 

If a married person continues to have unhealthy soul ties with her parents, this will be harmful for her marriage. 

This is something Sarah struggled with as she receives help through inner healing prayer. 

“No matter how hard I try, I just can’t say no to my mother.”  Sarah said. 

“Why do you think this is happening?”  Julie asked. 

“Well, I’m just used to it.  I’ve always been the good daughter who listens to her mom.” 

“Even after you’re married?”  Julie explained that Sarah is having problems with her marriage because she’s still under her mother’s influence due to unhealthy soul ties. 

“When you marry Tom, you’re making a commitment to break off the little daughter soul tie that you have with your mother so that you can have a healthy soul tie with Tom.” 

Julie explains that Sarah can still honor her mother but she can no longer have the kind of unhealthy soul tie where she remains under the dominance of her mother’s voice. 

This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.  Genesis 2:24 


“I pray for all unhealthy soul ties to be broken and I invite the Holy Spirit to give you a healthy soul tie for your marriage.”  Julie prayed. 

“We pray for God’s presence to touch your mother’s heart and assure her that He is the one who is in control of her daughter’s life so that she can let go and trust her daughter’s future into His hands.   

We bless your mother and we ask for a new and healthy relationship between the two of you.”  Julie prayed. 

The soul tie between a husband and his wife is something that is sacred and need to be cultivated and protected at all cost.  God’s intention is for you to grow deeply with your spouse and not be hindered by any unhealthy soul ties. 

That’s why unhealthy soul ties with your parents need to be removed if they’re affecting your marriage.