Renouncing covenants, vows and promises 

Our words are powerful.  When we make vows or promises to someone, the words that we use can bind us to the person.   

That’s why we need to renounce verbally anything we’ve said in the past that’s caused us to have harmful soul ties.   

“I tell you the truth, whatever you forbid on earth will be forbidden in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven. -Mt 18:18 

Here are some examples of self vows: 

-I’ll never talk to him again.  He’s let me down again. 

-I’ll never trust people that way again after the way they betray me. 

-I’m never going to be successful no matter how hard I try. 

-I’m just a failure in life. 

-I’m always tired. 

-No one likes me. 

When we speak these negative words over our ourselves, they can be binding over our lives.  What that means is that we will become like the words that we proclaim over ourselves.   

When we keep proclaiming negative words, our lives will eventually turn out negative.  You can’t think and speak negatively and then expect positive things to come out of it. 

The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences. – Proverbs 18:21 

Prayer to break harmful vows: 

“I renounce and break these harmful soul ties including all vows, covenants and promises I’ve made to others and to myself that are unhealthy and sinful.   

I forgive those who have sinned against me and I forgive myself for having sinned against others.   

I receive the forgiveness that God has given me through the work of Jesus on the Cross and I receive His cleansing and renewal. 

I renounce all harmful and negative words that I’ve used over my own life.  I want to receive all the words of promises and renewal from You and I receive the cleansing through the blood of Jesus.” 

Go through this process with someone who can journey with you and pray with you. Ask them to pray specifically for this area in your life.  If possible, find prayer warriors who are trained in the ministry of healing prayer. 

What if I cannot find someone to pray with me? 

Yes, God will hear your prayers whenever you come before Him.  Having someone pray with you if usually more helpful.  But there will be times when you’ll be on your own. 

That’s when you can use prayer guides such as this book to help you. 

You have the authority and power 

You’ve been given the authority and power to break and renounce these vows through the name of Jesus.  Even when you don’t feel like you have the power, you can still depend on God’s word and claim the promises from His word. 

Look, I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy, and you can walk among snakes and scorpions and crush them. Nothing will injure you. – Luke 10:19 

You can command harmful soul ties to be broken, fears and worries to leave, and depression to be lifted by the power that has been given to you. 

Why is it then that so few people are able to pray powerful prayers? 

One of the main reasons has to do with our relationship with the One who gives us the power.  Start with your relationship with God first.  When you make Him a priority in every area of your life, you will begin to see the changes and the power that comes from knowing Him. 


1.  What are some things that you struggle with as you go through this process? 

2. As you pray over your struggles, what do you sense God is teaching you? 

3. Write down some of things that God has revealed to you.  Reflect on them and see how they can lead you further toward your journey for healing. 

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