Category: Spirit of Lack

  • Made to shine 

    So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.  - Genesis 1:27  Wonderfully made by God  You were wonderfully made by God, and you are good enough.  God did not make a mistake when He created you, and He did not…

  • The abundant life 

    I was just sitting there watching someone leading worship. Some people have their hands lifted high, some have their hands in their pockets while some others are just swaying to the music.  All of a sudden, this feeling of inadequacy hit me, and all kinds of doubts and questions started to flood my mind.  “Why…

  • Fighting our battles through worship 

    I’d like to think of myself as an adventurer and a free spirit.  Yet, there’s also a side of me that tends to worry about the future and how things will turn out.  Yet, the time when I worry the most is when I’m solely focused on my own life, and the time when I…