The abundant life 

I was just sitting there watching someone leading worship. Some people have their hands lifted high, some have their hands in their pockets while some others are just swaying to the music. 

All of a sudden, this feeling of inadequacy hit me, and all kinds of doubts and questions started to flood my mind. 

“Why do I lack the talents they have?  Why is it that I can’t do what they do?  I can never be a good leader!  I’m not good enough.” 

The spirit of lack was speaking into my head and I can trace that back to the times when I was a child and lived as if there was just not enough in this world to go around. 

Growing up with very little exposed me to a world of lack where we had to be careful to not lose what we have.  I’m also used to being surrounded by people who do not believe that it’s possible to change their lives because they don’t have the means and knowledge to do so. 

I lived with this spirit of lack most of my life until I came across the life of abundance that Jesus wanted us to have. 

I used to think of this abundant life as something that’s selfish or materialistic, but this verse has taught me that this is more than just about having material things for ourselves.  It’s a mindset and worldview that Jesus wants us to have. 

The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life. – John 10:10 

He wants us to live with all the resources that Heaven has for us. All the joy, miracles, and power that come from heaven have been made available to us.  There’s no reason for us to live as if we lack these resources when we have access to our Father’s Kingdom. 

Why is it, then, that so many of us remain trapped in the spirit of lack?  We live as if there’s not enough to go around, as if we have to protect all that we have, including our possessions, relationships, and even ourselves.  We see ourselves as lacking the resources and abilities that others have. 

I used to view success as something that I could never attain in this life, and because of that, I placed a negative label on anyone who is successful – I see them as being selfish or privileged. 

This view prevented me from growing and moving into the purpose that God has for me until I renounced it.  That’s because whenever God brings something good into my life that I don’t believe I deserve, I’d reject it internally.  I would also reject people who wanted to help me grow and improve. 

Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow. - James 1:17 

Moving into the spirit of abundance involves knowing God intimately more than anything else. 

It’s not about pursuing after the gifts, the anointing, or even the blessings from Him – it’s about having a deep and personal relationship with Him first.  The rest will flow from Him as we get to know God intimately.  Our own limitations and brokenness could also affect our view of God, but if we keep seeking Him first, He will heal us and renew us. 

There was a season when I fell in love with the gifts and anointing God gave me more than spending time with Him. Yet, none of these things can fully satisfy and meet my deepest needs. 

When I was leading a large ministry and had more appointments than I could handle, I felt this deep dissatisfaction within my heart with everything I was doing.  That’s when I realized that I love the ministry more than I love God. 

He wants us to pursue Him first, more than anything else. When we do that, we’ll understand His Kingdom and what He has in store. 

As a younger Christian, I had all the right theology and Bible knowledge but not an intimate relationship with God.  My initial experience with church gave me the impression that having more knowledge is the same as being more spiritual. 

Even though I have plenty of head knowledge, I did not experience many transformations.  The real change in my life happened when I started to put aside acquiring more head knowledge and simply focus on having a personal relationship with Him in my day-to-day life.  This might sound like a simple change, but it is counter to everything that I’m used to. 

This change of focus is when I begin to live with abundance – the abundance that comes from knowing Him, His Kingdom, and everything that comes along with having access to His Kingdom. 

Living with abundance does not mean living a life devoid of pain and suffering. 

The Apostle Paul was a good example of someone who seemed to have lost everything yet was still able to live for the things that really matter.  He found sufficiency in Jesus alone despite all the suffering he went through. 

Living an abundant life is living with the confidence that in Jesus alone, we have all that we need, and through Him, we can do all the things He wants us to do. 

For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. – Philippians 4:13 

When I begin to surrender all that I am and all that I have to Him, He takes my life to another level – doors that were once closed are now open, an inner transformation takes place in my heart, and I’m able to overcome my struggles more often than ever. 

It does not mean our lives are now devoid of pain and suffering.  Instead, we can live with the power of heaven to handle a life that’s filled with pain and suffering.  Not only that, our perspective will change from focusing on all that’s broken to all that’s possible in God’s kingdom. 

That’s why we need to move away from social media posts that are focused on the negatives only.  Bad news tends to draw more attention.  But if we focus on the news from heaven instead, we will begin to see all God has in store for us and the world. 

The spirit of lack comes from the world and will keep reminding us that we’re not good enough to receive all God’s kingdom has for us. 

In His Kingdom, there’s more than enough for everyone.  He has unlimited resources and power to go around, and you have access to them.  Receive what He wants to give to you, and let Him pour His favor into your life. 

We need to keep giving as He pours His favor into our lives.  There will be an overflow of abundance from His Kingdom as we give.  But if we hoard everything for ourselves, we will prevent the overflow from happening. 

“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.” – Malachi 3:10 

To practice this, we can begin by giving generously to His kingdom and to the people around us.  This is how we overcome the spirit of lack – by living a life of immense generosity with our time, money, presence, and words! 

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