Sleep like a baby

Many of us who struggle with anxiety also struggle with our sleep habits. Without a good sleep habit; your physical, mental and emotional health will be affected. We heal the most when we sleep well.

I’ve struggled with this area for many years until I learn a few tips that has helped me. Lacking sleep has caused me to lose focus and become anxious. I used to think sleep is one of those things that I can do less of and get by. But over time, the cost is much higher than if I were to spend time each day to learn how to sleep better.

I lie down and sleep;
    I wake again, because the Lord sustains me.
– Psalm 3:5

Sleep is also a spiritual exercise when we let go and let God renew us physically and spiritually. We were created to sleep and to let God mold us when we sleep.

It’s not something we do so that we serve God when we’re awake. Sleep itself is just as important as any aspect of worship and service.

Exercise well to sleep well

The sleep of a laborer is sweet,
    whether they eat little or much,
but as for the rich, their abundance
    permits them no sleep.
– Ecclesiastes 5:12

Whenever I keep a good exercise routine, I tend to end up sleeping well. Getting a good workout in each day or even every other day has helped me to sleep better. We’re all at different levels of ability when it comes to exercising but everyone can do something even if it’s just stretching on the floor or doing gardening work.

What’s most important is doing some physical activity that you enjoy and look forward to doing each day.

We’re made to work hard physically, to sweat and to pant in order to be healthy. When we don’t do these things and instead spend most of our time on the couch looking at our phones, our bodies will no longer function the way it’s supposed to.

I used to be turned off by weight lifting because I have this perception that people who do it are there because they want to look good. It may still be true for many but that does not take away the real benefits of lifting weights.

After learning from a trainer and through online lessons, I realized that my perception was based mostly on ignorance. So, there are many reasons why people go to the gym but what’s important for us is to know the real benefits and to focus on that.

Prayer –

“I dedicate myself to working out so that I can care for this body that You have given me. I will do all I can to live out the purpose and calling for my life. Grant me wisdom as I navigate the world of wellness and sports so that I’m not caught up with the pursuit of success only. But lead me so that I’m focused on staying healthy for a higher purpose and reason.”

When I’m out running and am about to quit, I think of the higher purpose that God has given me. It’s not about running faster than someone else or to make a name for myself. It’s about following the higher calling that He’s given me that keeps me going each day.

That means I’m okay with being viewed as a fool doing what I do.

Unwind and relax

This hasn’t been easy as I like to get things done late at night or stay up a little later to finish up some work. But once I’m convinced that my sleep is more important than my work, it becomes easier to let go of work and just unwind an hour before my bed time.

This boils down to habit. Once I made it a habit to sleep well and stick with it, I was able to maintain that pattern.

Unwinding is not about being lazy and scrolling away on your phone. It’s an intentional activity to let go and release physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

So, how does that look like in practice?

  • Physically – stretching or doing yoga by relaxing myself and learning to breathe with rhythm.
  • Emotionally – meditating and releasing all negative emotions by forgiving others and living a life of grace.
  • Mentally – releasing all the many noises that are running in my head throughout the day and be able to focus.
  • Spiritually – all that matter is God’s love and his purpose. Everything else that does not align can be released and let go of.

I’ve been following a regular pattern to sleep by learning from babies. Babies sleep better when they have a pattern.

The same goes for adults. We need to keep some sort of pattern that works for us. My toddler son has a sleep routine that starts 3 hours before his bedtime. It includes playing in a large bed, pillow fights, water play in the tub, reading and finally sleep. Whenever that routine is disrupted, he’ll have a harder time sleeping.

Using this same approach, I’ve been following a sleep routine of unwinding, light reading, meditation and stretching to help me sleep better.

How to release and let go

We hear this often but it’s a real struggle for many.

There will be days when it’s hard to do this but for the most part we can train and grow in this area.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. – Philippians 4:6-7

When I get caught up with work, I tend to be so focused on doing a good job that it becomes hard for me to let go. To change this, it has to start with my mindset and how I view work.

  • When I view work as the most important task for the day and my self worth is dependent on my job, then I’ll be consumed by it. This is when it becomes unhealthy. By changing my view to seeing work as something I do to support my family instead of taking over my family life, I’ve been able to let go.
  • When we have a bigger purpose to live for, it’s easier to let go of a lot of the smaller things that consume our lives.
  • Letting go is something we can practice and grow into. The more we release, the better we’ll get at it.

When I come to embrace the concept that work will always be there and sleep is what’s going to help me the next day, I can let that go. Instead of allowing work to dominate my life, I learn to change my view of work and look at the bigger picture; my life is more than work and I can live for a bigger purpose than my job.

Make that lifestyle change to prioritize your mental health over your work and keep in mind that your work life will only get better when your mental health improves.

Embrace the importance of sleep. I used to wake up early whenever I have a long list of things that are important to me that needs to get done. Sleep was at the bottom of that list. Once I mentally move sleep up the list, I was able to sleep well and wake up later.

I journal and write down about sleep instead of the list of things to be worked on. Even on busy days, I quickly write down a note on my phone about sleeping on time and the amount I need.

What has really worked well for me is:

  • Consistent and daily cardio workouts. Whenever I fail, I forgive and forget then move on to the next day.
  • Maintaining the same routine and time to sleep.
  • Relax and let go mentally and emotionally through meditation and prayer.

You have to do what works best for you and what you actually enjoy doing, so that it’ll last for a long time.