Category: Anxiety

  • Healing from anxiety

    We live in a time when many struggle with mental health issues such as anxiety. I had an anxiety attack recently, and during a call with a doctor, his first question was if I wanted a prescription. Right away, I knew that would be the wrong choice as I would depend on medication to calm…

  • Sleep like a baby

    Many of us who struggle with anxiety also struggle with our sleep habits. Without a good sleep habit; your physical, mental and emotional health will be affected. We heal the most when we sleep well. I’ve struggled with this area for many years until I learn a few tips that has helped me. Lacking sleep…

  • From worrier to warrior

    Whenever I allow worries and fears to overwhelm me, I start to crawl back into a place of safety where I can avoid challenges. Every time I do this, I move closer to a life of safety and comfort and away from challenges. The problem with this lifestyle is that I become less inclined to…

  • Honoring God by taking care of yourself

    Self-care is not selfish when you’re doing it so that you can take care of others and help them in the process. If you’re a parent, you can only help your child if you take good care of your own physical and mental health. If we want to help our child grow emotionally, we have…

  • What goes into your mind goes into your life

    Our minds are filled with too much negativity. From social media to people around us, we’re constantly bombarded with bad news. If we pay close attention to what people say around us, we’d be surprised how much of it is negative. Negativity sells because it appeals to our fears and worries. That’s why social media,…

  • Friends can help you heal

    Don’t hide your struggles from others. Instead, learn to talk over it with others. This will help you heal and recover. Not everyone is going to empathize with you or even listen to your problems. But your true friends will, and they will be there for you. I have a tendency to hide my struggles…

  • Your physical health affects your mental health

    You will feel better physically, mentally, and even spiritually when you’re living an active lifestyle. Your physical well-being will affect just about every facet of your life. Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong…

  • How I deal with anxiety attacks

    We were created with the ability and instinct to keep ourselves safe. We’ll run or hide whenever we’re confronted with danger. That’s why it’s natural for us to run away from situations that cause us to be anxious. However, each time we do this it will cause us to become more anxious. That’s because we…

  • Recovering from anxiety through prayer

    There are many different reasons why people struggle with anxiety, just as there are different ways to recover. Inner healing prayer is one way for us to heal from issues that are buried within us. Prayer is a powerful way, but it does not mean it’s the only way to find healing in something as…