Healing from anxiety

We live in a time when many struggle with mental health issues such as anxiety. I had an anxiety attack recently, and during a call with a doctor, his first question was if I wanted a prescription.

Right away, I knew that would be the wrong choice as I would depend on medication to calm my mind. Since I’ve had experience with healing prayer over the years, I decided to start this journey of finding healing through prayer.

In the process, I discovered that sometimes it takes more than just praying when dealing with mental health issues. Prayer helps, but we also need to pay attention to doing our part when taking care of our health. We can’t just pray and live an unhealthy lifestyle at the same time.

Just as taking care of our physical health requires prayer and effort, so it is with our mental health.

I’m not writing as an expert but as someone who has struggled with anxiety and found healing through prayer and lifestyle changes.

I’m here to share what works for me. In no way am I implying a one size fits all solution to something as complex as mental health.

Each of us has our unique situation, and one person’s medicine can be another’s poison. So, please read this prayerfully, get counsel, and apply what you think works for you.

Healing involves your mind, body, and soul. It needs to be holistic and we will see the change when we focus on all three.