Walk by faith

So what exactly does it mean to walk in faith?

But Caleb tried to quiet the people as they stood before Moses. “Let’s go at once to take the land,” he said. “We can certainly conquer it!” – Numbers 13:30

Don’t just believe it but live like you believe it. If we believe God can do miracles, when was the last time we live by depending on His power and not worry ourselves to death? When was the last time we give freely and fully to others because we believe God can provide above and beyond what we give?

The more I walked in faith instead of fear, the more I was able to overcome the things that made me anxious.

Walking in faith itself is an exercise and it’s something that we can build up and grow into with time.

Start by taking a step of faith. Could be a taking on a new job, starting a business or writing a book. God has placed something in your heart to chase after. You don’t have to drop everything to get to your destination today. You can start by taking the first step by faith.

Once you take that first step, you will figure out the second step. It’s like a baby learning how to walk. She will need to take that first step before she gets better at walking.

What is your first step? Pray over it and start walking.

Oh, the joys of those who do not
    follow the advice of the wicked,
    or stand around with sinners,
    or join in with mockers.
But they delight in the law of the Lord,
    meditating on it day and night.
They are like trees planted along the riverbank,
    bearing fruit each season.
Their leaves never wither,
    and they prosper in all they do.

Psalm 1:1-3