Category: Uncategorized

  • His grace flowing through you

    Let His grace flow through your life. People can sense and smell the fragrance of grace when you live a life of forgiveness. This is what draws people to the healing and freedom that Jesus offers. It does not mean healing from everything but healing in the places where God wants you to heal. Yet,…

  • How to love yourself without being selfish

    Loving yourself is not about being selfish or self centered. It’s about becoming the person God wants you to be.  Loving the person that’s created in His image and the one He calls my beloved. You are His child in His kingdom. It’s living out the new identity that God has given you. Here are…

  • How to break down the stronghold of bitterness

    As you’ve never fully forgiven others, there’s a stronghold that keeps you resentful and bitter over what has happened.  This stronghold turns you into someone who’s bitter and easily triggered. How to break down this stronghold: -Choose to forgive -Make this a lifestyle -Focus on yourself

  • Why time alone can’t heal your inner wounds

    “Hi, I’ve been wanting to talk to you about this.  I’ve these memories that just keep coming up and I can’t seem to get rid of them,” says Sarah. “I keep thinking evil thoughts on how to get back at them.” “Why don’t go over what happened?” says Christine. “It seems like you’ve never fully…

  • Walk by faith

    So what exactly does it mean to walk in faith? But Caleb tried to quiet the people as they stood before Moses. “Let’s go at once to take the land,” he said. “We can certainly conquer it!” – Numbers 13:30 Don’t just believe it but live like you believe it. If we believe God can…

  • Be in touch with nature

    Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. – John 1:3 We were created to be in touch with nature. The more time we spend in nature, the more we will heal and recover. Many of us spend most of our time in front of screens amidst the…

  • You become like the people you’re closest to

    The people closest to you will affect your mind and your mental health. If they’re negative in their views, your life will end up negative. Negativity can be words that are spoken, the way we view people and situations or how we respond to challenges and differences. If people around you are constantly complaining and…