How to love yourself without being selfish

Loving yourself is not about being selfish or self centered.

It’s about becoming the person God wants you to be.  Loving the person that’s created in His image and the one He calls my beloved.

You are His child in His kingdom. It’s living out the new identity that God has given you.

Here are practical ways you can do this:

knowing and living out your true identity.  In Him, you are wonderfully made for His purpose and glory. When you don’t know this identity, you will try everything to “become someone” in this world. Living out your true identity means that you can now live as His child.

embrace your brokenness. You will continue to have wounds and brokenness within you. You will find healing but you’ll have to embrace some of your brokenness.

don’t compare and compete. Many of us are brought us this way so it won’t be easy to stop comparing. The key here is to stop focusing on others and focus instead on your own journey.

take care of your mind and body. It’s not about looking better or trying to impress others. Instead, do it for a greater purpose to live out your calling.

know that you are at the right place. Where you are is the right place. So, instead of thinking you have to be somewhere else before you can do something, where you are now is the right place to do what you have to.

“How do I know if I’m just fooling myself ?  Being delusional and thinking I’m someone else?  Like so many on social media?” asks Sarah.

“If you’re true to yourself and you allow other people to speak into your life you should be fine,” says Stephen. “Keep asking for feedback.  Be open to different views.”