Remaining in Him 

Remaining in Him 

But if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted! - John 15:7 

What are the voices that are speaking into your life today? 

The voices around us speak into our identity and keep reminding us each moment that unless we conform to what the world wants us to become – we can never be complete, happy, or satisfied. 

When I allow these voices to speak into my life, I start to believe that I need to do what everyone else is doing in order to gain approval.  But that’s a lie from the world.  Our minds have been programmed from a very young age to conform to the world’s standards.  We are bombarded at every waking moment with voices that call us to live a certain way. 

It’s no wonder that we easily default to living our lives based on all these voices that call us to chase after significance through success, recognition, and material possessions. 

Whenever I go down this route, I’ll have a hard time practicing spiritual connection with God.  That’s because most of my energy and time is now used to chase after the world’s definition of significance. 

The changes in my life only took place when I decided to intentionally listen to His voice more.  That means making a conscious decision and planning to listen less to the voices of the world.  Not everything that the world has to say is bad or evil.  There’s a lot of good out there but I have to learn to say no in order to focus on just one voice. 

Social Media Versus God’s Word 

When I’m spending a lot of time on social media, it’s easy to get caught up with what everyone else is doing.  The more time I spend there, the more I will hear the voices that call me to be like everyone else, to have what they have and do what they do.  If I keep listening to these voices, they will become the driving force in my life. 

This is why I’ve decided not to spend time browsing social media to see what others are doing.  I want to know what God wants for my life and for His voice to be the driving force in my life.  That means filling up my life with His voice instead of the voices of the world. 

If you’re having trouble doing this on your own, find people who can journey with you, pray with you, and encourage you.  There’s a part of this journey that’s deeply personal, but more often than not, we need others to help us along the way. 

When you set out on this journey and depend on God, He will bring the right people into your life to journey with you. 

This is what I prayed for when I needed people in my life.  Through a set of circumstances, God directed me to a group of men who prayed with me and journeyed with me these past few years. 

It’s too easy to live in isolation, and being in church is not an exception.  We can attend church, serve in leadership, join small groups, and remain isolated.  Being around people does not mean we’re connected with them at a deeper level where we can freely share our lives.  For this to happen, we have to decide to take risks, be vulnerable and be patient. 

God knew you even before you were born 

The enemy wants to discourage us and prevent us from living the life God wants for us but Jesus came to free us and to give us the abundant life.  He can take you just as you are and turn you into the person He wants you to be. 

God knew you even before you were born.  He knew about your life, what you will go through, your failures and successes, and even your deepest struggles and pain.  Yet, He placed you here and appointed you for a purpose so that you can live the abundant life He promised you. 

“I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. 
    Before you were born I set you apart 
    and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.” – Jeremiah 1:5 

I’m not the best speaker or the best writer around.  Many others around me can do it better, but if I were to compare myself with them, I would get discouraged every time. 

Yet, God has given me a calling; all I have to do is focus on Him and His guidance.  When I first started sharing my faith on social media, I didn’t have what others have, which is a following.  I have no idea what to do or how to go about it other than trusting that God will lead me. 

By simply sharing what’s in my heart and what’s going on in my life, He’s been able to use that to touch lives around me. 

Focus on Him and give Him what you already have.  Don’t worry about everyone else around you, and don’t compare yourself with what others are doing.   He will take you to where you’re supposed to be as you follow after Him. 

His plan is for you to live an amazing life when you give Him what you already have.  This life might not be how the world defines it or how you expect it to be but it will be better than all of that. 

What is it that you already have? Can you paint?  Cook?  Make coffee?  Teach basketball?  Write a novel? 

Give it to Him and He will multiply it several times over for His purpose. 

Then the LORD asked him, “What is that in your hand?” “A shepherd’s staff,” Moses replied. – Exodus 4:2 

That’s what God asked of Moses.  Moses came up with so many excuses as to why he could not do what God wanted him to do.  Yet, God asks Moses just to give Him what’s already in his hand and He will do the rest. 

If all you can do is cook, ask Him how He wants to use your cooking skills to bless someone today.  Just let God use what you already have.  He gave you the cooking skills for a reason and He knows exactly how to use it.   

Giving wasn’t something that came naturally to me.  I struggled with this for a long time.  But God taught me how to give by using other people. 

I was on a mission trip in Africa when we encountered a group of children with very little material possessions.  Despite their poverty, they gave generously to their guests.  A little girl gave us a book of stickers even though it seemed like that was one of her few possessions.  They were poor but rich in their hearts.  This has taught me to give and live generously. 

The more you obey and trust Him with your time, talent, and treasure – the more He’ll show you and lead you on your journey. 

Do you want to get to the next step? 

Take some risks today.  God cannot direct your path if all you do is stand still and do nothing.  You don’t have to risk it all, you just have to take that first step and let Him direct your path.  When you take risks for His Kingdom, you’ll begin to see His hand guiding and directing you. 

Listen to the dream that He’s placed in your heart.  Is He calling you to do something beyond what you can do?  Keep listening to that dream because that’s the destiny that He’s placed in your life. Once you start going after it, you’ll see Him guiding you and opening doors for you to get there.   

There will be ups and downs and times of doubt.  But if you keep your focus on Him and keep learning, you’ll see His guiding hand through it all. 

God wants to use you to touch the world. He wants to give you His power to carry out His work, even if it’s something that’s beyond what you can do. He wants you to live an abundant life beyond your wildest imagination when you follow Him. 

Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes. - Ephesians 1:4 

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