Victory through the power of words 

“God has given you the power to touch lives.”  These were rather simple words that someone said to me but these words triggered and unlocked something deep within my heart. 

It was as if my inner life was awakening to what God wanted to do in me.  All it took was a few prophetic words spoken in God’s power.  I started moving and living with more passion, purpose, and boldness as a result of that encounter. 

Our words are powerful.  Depending on how we use them, they can bless people around us or place curses on them. 

How we use our words can also determine the course of our lives. 

When you use powerful and positive words, your life will be blessed with spiritual abundance, and your soul will become alive.  When used correctly, your words can also bring life and blessings to people around you.  The more blessings you give to others, the more blessings will flow into your life.  In the same way, the more criticism you spread around you, the more criticism will enter your life. 

And among all the parts of the body, the tongue is a flame of fire. It is a whole world of wickedness, corrupting your entire body. It can set your whole life on fire, for it is set on fire by hell itself. – James 3:6 

Using negative and harmful words constantly can poison your soul and even destroy your life.  We have to choose and ponder over the words we use.  Oftentimes, we’re not even aware of our choices of words unless we get feedback from others. 

I used to play on a sports team that lost many games.  As the losses mounted, the talk became more negative and the team worsened.  All we talk about is how we’re going to lose the next game. Players begin to distrust and dislike each other. 

By the next season, we were given a new coach, who came in with positive words of encouragement.  He’ll encourage us when we make mistakes and congratulates everyone who puts in the effort during practice. 

The team starts to win again.  His positive words began to make a difference in how we approach practice and the game itself. 

Your life is just like that.  If you use negative words to describe your day, your job, and your home, things will turn out that way.  But if you want your life to change, use positive and powerful words that has to do with the abundance flowing out of God’s kingdom. 

One of the biggest transformations I’ve experienced is when I started to use positive and powerful words at work.  In the past, I’d used negative words such as – “I’m tired, this is boring, I’m not into it, this is not for me…”. 

Not only did it affect my soul, mind, and body; but I also found myself attracting people who are complainers.  Complainers attract more complainers, and when you’re surrounded by people who only have negative things to say, your worldview and attitude will quickly turn more negative. 

As you can imagine, that only made me worse at what I do and what I bring to work each day. 

As I learned this principle about the power of words and began using positive words, I started to view my job with more passion, interest, and energy.  I’m surrounded by positive people who are happy and excited about their day and we’re able to build each other up in a positive way. 

This principle has turned around my work life for good.  It’s not so much about the power of our own positive thinking but knowing that God wants us to use words that reflect the abundance of His kingdom. 

Spend time reflecting on how you’re using words each day and find ways to change how you talk because it will change your life.  Let this be about God and not about ourselves; the end goal is to pursue His purpose and not to benefit ourselves. 

It’s not about practicing positivity just to improve my life but embracing the positivity that comes from knowing the abundance of His kingdom.  The more I understand the limitless abundance of His kingdom, the more I’m able to bless others through the words I use.