How I deal with anxiety attacks

We were created with the ability and instinct to keep ourselves safe. We’ll run or hide whenever we’re confronted with danger. That’s why it’s natural for us to run away from situations that cause us to be anxious.

However, each time we do this it will cause us to become more anxious.

That’s because we affirm in our minds that the very thing that’s making us anxious has power over us. 

Here’s what we can do to face our anxieties instead of running away each time.

Begin by starting small. Make small achievable goals that you can conquer.   If it’s a large crowd of people that makes you anxious, begin by hanging out in smaller crowds.  Allow your mind to have these winning moments so that you can handle something bigger the next time.

Keep adding to it. Once you’ve accomplished your smaller goal, keep adding to it, knowing that each step becomes easier as you rack up your wins.

Don’t give up and be helpless in times of trouble. – Proverbs 24:10

There will be setbacks and drawbacks during this process. There will be moments when you least expect that’ll give you these panic attacks. And there will be times when you feel hopeless and want to give up trying.  But that’s when you have to push through even on days when you don’t feel it.

Even though I’ve been able to cope with anxiety, my most recent attack happened at a mall on a giant Ferris wheel.

I didn’t think too much about it, but as soon as I got in, I panicked, realizing that I would be stuck for a good fifteen minutes inside a bowl that goes up and down and I won’t be able to get out.

I tensed up and was breathing hard during the ride and only recovered after the ride was over.

Let go and don’t dwell on it.

Despite that setback, I’ve learned not to dwell on it.

That’s because each time I do that, I affirm that I will become anxious, and that affirmation will cause me to become more anxious next time I encounter a similar situation.

Prayer –

“I let go of my anxious thoughts and I lay them all before you.  I pray that you will fill up my mind with positive thoughts only.

I pray for the stronghold of fear to be broken within me and I take authority over my thought life.  Fill my mind with your Spirit and allow the presence of your love to dwell there.”

It may take time for us to reclaim our thought life and allow God to renew it.

Caleb calmed down the crowd and said, “Let’s go and take the land. I know we can do it!” – Numbers 13:30

There is a spiritual aspect behind many of our mental struggles, especially when it comes to dealing with fear and worry.

When we grow up with the spirit of fear instilled in us or when we watch how our families allow fear to take control over their lives, we will end up with the spirit of fear taking root within us.

Once it’s rooted, we view the world through this lens of fear and we make our decisions from this perspective.

What we all need is to live a life of courage instead of fear.  It does not mean foolish courage such as speeding or being reckless with our speech.  It’s about breaking the bondage that fear has over our lives. 

When we’re living under the bondage of fear, we view the world as an unsafe place.  We see people, churches, leaders, and even friends through this lens.

We also run and hide by disengaging, not showing up, or living in fantasy.

We find ways to stay away from people and create our own world; we hide so that we no longer have to face the challenges that come with life.  We rationalize away our hiding of ourselves and settle for a life of ease and comfort.

There are many reasons why we live in fear. Our upbringing, experiences, and beliefs shape our worldview. The path to dismantling these old beliefs is never easy, as these are often strongholds that have become ingrained in us.  It could mean a lifetime of battle but it’s so worth it to be set free.

I was brought up to fear certain types of people and events. No matter how hard I try, I cannot shake off these beliefs that are rooted within me. Yet, I know that God wants to free me from this spirit of negativity.

Through the ministry of inner healing prayer and prophetic healing, I received healing in the deepest part of my soul where fear has taken hold. The walls slowly broke down, and I experienced deep and lasting transformation.

The process itself can be slow, and there will be plenty of setbacks but think of healing your soul akin to growing a garden. You do a lot of work daily but will have to wait for the results. There will be days if you wonder if this is all worth it.

But given time, you will see the transformation. Healing our souls from the spirit of fear will take time and effort.

We live in a world of instant results and we like to see instant results when it comes to healing.  This belief that healing will always be instant has resulted in many living on false hopes and giving up quickly.

God is able to heal people instantly in the bible and in real life today but that’s not the norm when it comes to taking care of our health.  We don’t pray for health issues to just go away if we refuse to do our part in taking care of our bodies and minds.  You can’t just pray and keep eating junk at the same time.

There have been seasons in life when I have to depend on God and him only.  So, yes there will be times when all we have is prayer. 

But taking care of our health during the normal seasons of our life is different.  It’s doing our part to take care of what God has entrusted us with so that we can carry out our purpose.

Prayer –

“I want to take good care of this body and mind that you have given me.  Lead me with each step I take so that I can carry out the mission that you have given me during my time here on earth.”

The life that God wants us to live is one of faith where we grow to become warriors and  conquerors.

Yet, life itself is filled with much brokenness and it will continue to break us down and instill the spirit of fear in us whenever we give in.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by all that’s happening around us, but we must constantly get back to knowing our Creator and why he placed us here.  It’s about intentional time away from all the news of the world and instead listening to the news from heaven.

Despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us. – Romans 8:37

Create daily moments for silence and solitude. If it’s important enough, we will find the time.

I used to think my life’s too busy to take care of a child until my first child came along. Suddenly, I could find time – getting up several times at night, running to the store, doctor’s visits, arranging his toys, and much more.


“God, I rely on your power and guidance to get me through this. I pray over the situation that caused me to be anxious today. I pray that you will cover me whenever I’m out in the world.

I will keep living a life of courage and faith by depending on your power and not on my strength. I will surrender my time and priorities and seek after you first each day.”

What does it mean to depend on God’s power instead of your own?

We’re created with a deep reservoir of will and strength to overcome challenges. Yet no matter how strong a person is, there are many situations in life that will break us down and bring us to our knees.

Even the strongest and most successful among us have quit and given up on life when confronted with life’s challenges.

This is why we need God and his power to renew our inner life each day. We can only go so far on our own, and our internal reservoir will dry up sooner or later without God’s power.